About Us

Creating a Culture of Student Completion & Equipping Educators.

Every year, over 18,000 students enter The Texas A&M University System institutions as freshmen who are studying fulltime for their first time in college. Unfortunately, about one third of those students have not yet graduated six years later. It is our challenge to increase the percentage of completers within six years and thus decrease the percentage of those who do not complete. It is our challenge to assure that every student who does not complete has been provided every possible opportunity to be successful.

Though these students did not graduate, they are still burdened with debt. On average, non-completers leave the institution with $15,202 in debt, even though they have not completed a degree that would help them repay their debt. Though these students did not graduate, they still consumed scarce state and Federal resources.

Our challenge is to repair this leaky pipe such that more students complete their degrees and these scarce resources are more wisely invested for the benefit of both the students and our society.

University students in a STEM class

Student Learning Outcomes

The Texas A&M System has developed a common set of measures that allow us to hold our member institutions accountable for student success. Each A&M System university reports progress for each learning outcome based upon a variety of measures. These measures provide a fair comparison of progress for each learning outcome as to whether an institution is developing a learning outcome…


Total Student Enrollment All Universities

The System Universities

Texas A&M

Prairie View A&M University

Tarleton State University

Texas A&M International University

Texas A&M University Corpus Christi Seal

Texas A&M University Corpus Christi

Texas A&M University Kingsville

West Texas
A&M University

East Texas
A&M University

Texas A&M University Texarkana


Texas A&M University Central Texas

Texas A&M University San Antonio