
Delivering the most accessible, the most affordable and the most adaptable higher education solutions.

The Texas A&M University System is dedicated to delivering the most accessible, the most affordable and the most adaptable higher education solutions to meet the needs of Texas students and employers for years to come. As public educators, we are accountable to students, parents, taxpayers, and employers.

With that accountability comes transparency, which means being open to our stakeholders about what we are doing, and what we plan to do, to increase the number and quality of graduates we prepare for the workforce.

The Texas A&M University System recognizes the urgency to hold member institutions accountable for measuring results, quality and overall cost efficiency as they fulfill their mission. To learn more about this, please explore the EmpowerU website.

The “Analytics” page houses data about current student enrollment, graduation rates, degrees awarded, and financial metrics for all universities within The Texas A&M System.

These metrics are essential tools Texas A&M System institutions use to identify strengths and challenges, using this information to enact change to enhance student success.

The primary source for the analytics data presented on this website is from reports submitted to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). When necessary, individual System institutions also supplied pertinent information.

While every attempt was made to develop data definitions that conform with state and federal guidelines, these figures may vary from information presented and used internally by the Texas A&M University System, individual System institutions or other external reporting agencies due to differences in data collection, data definitions, calculation methodologies, different sources of data, and the overall intended application of the data.

Student Success Data

Definitions – Common Attributes

Attributes on this pages are grouped by dimensional area.  Not all attributes are available in all subject areas.  For example, student classification level (freshman, sophomore, etc.)  is not relevant to the degrees conferred subject area.

Student Attributes

Time Related Attributes

Organizational or TAMUS member Attributes

Attributes for Degrees Awarded

Definitions – Student Success

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board measures the success of students attending institutions of higher education with a variety of metrics.  Three key metrics that measure the success of students are:  First Year Persistence, Fourth Year Graduation Rates, and Sixth Year Graduation Rates.

These metrics are tracked and reported based on the assigned cohort.  The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board assigns a student to a single cohort group based on the following criteria:

  • The institution marks the student as a First Time student in the Fall Semester, or he/she was marked as “First Time” for the preceding summer session.  For example, a student takes classes in the summer and then enrolls in the fall semester.
  • SCH value must be more than 12 or more for that Fall semester or attended the same institution the prior Summer session.
  • Student is classified as an undergraduate
  • Identified as a degree seeking student.

Note: A student should be identified as “first time” only once, and thus a student will be assigned to only one cohort group.

Student Success is presented in 4 groupings:
  1. Same Institution – student success rate for students entering the identified institution for the first time
  2. Transfers within TAMUS institutions – student success rate for students who enter the identified institution for the first time but who are known to have transferred to another TAMUS institution
  3. Total Cohort – student success rate for students who have graduated or are still enrolled at the same institution or another Texas public or independent institution.
  4. Transfer Cohort – student success rate for students who transfer into the identified institution for the first time
Available Attributes (used for filtering):
  • Cohort Academic Year – The Academic Year that the student is identified as “First Time” as defined above.
  • Gender (detailed definition)
  • Ethnicity (detailed definition)
  • TAMUS Institution
  • Level (Undergrad / Graduate / Doctoral)
  • Residence
    • Texas County ( if a resident of Texas )
    • State (if not a resident of Texas but US resident )
    • Country of Residence ( If international )
  • Headcount – Total number of students assigned to the cohort.
  • One Year Persistence Rate – Number of Students who returned to the same institution in 2nd year divided by the entire cohort headcount.
  • Second Year Persistence Rate – Number of Students who returned to the same institution in 3nd year divided by the entire cohort headcount.
  • Third Year Persistence Rate – Number of Students who returned to the same institution in 4nd year divided by the entire cohort headcount.
  • Four Year Graduation Rate – The rate of students receiving degrees from the same institution within 4 years divided by the entire cohort headcount.
  • Six Year Graduation Rate – The rate of students receiving degrees  from the same institution within 6 years divided by the entire cohort headcount.
Definitions – Enrollment

The source of this information is from each institution’s CBM001 report that is submitted to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) each semester.

“The Student Report (CBM001) reflects all students enrolled at the reporting institution as of the official census date, which is the 12th class day for the Fall and Spring semesters (16-week session) and the 4th class day for each of the summer terms (six-week session). Students who withdraw from a class on or before the official census date will not be included in this report. To be counted for state aid, the students must be registered as of the official census date and the institution must collect tuition and fees in full from the student (or have a valid accounts receivable on record) by the 20th class day or the 15th class day during summer sessions. Students are required to have a fully operational installment contract (in accordance with Chapter 54, Section 54.007 of the Texas Education Code) by the payment due date in order to be in good standing. This includes receipt of a first installment payment prior to the beginning of the semester.”   ( As stated in the Summer 2012 Reporting and Procedures Manual for Texas Public Universities; THECB;

Available Attributes:
  • Gender (detail definition)
  • Ethnicity (detailed definition)
  • TAMUS Institution
  • Semester (Fall, Spring, Summer)
  • Level (Undergraduate / Masters / Doctoral / Professional)
  • Residence
    • Texas County ( if a resident of Texas )
    • State (if not a resident of Texas but US resident )
    • Country of Residence ( If international )
  • Major (Based on the federal CIPCode)
  • Headcount – Total number of students enrolled per semester.
Definitions – Degrees Conferred

The primary source of this information is from each institution’s CBM009 report that is submitted to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB).  The CBM009 is annually reported by each public institution in the State of Texas  and “reflects degrees conferred during the fiscal year immediately preceding the Fall semester in which the report is submitted.” ( As stated in the Summer 2012 Reporting and Procedures Manual for Texas Public Universities, THECB;

Available Attributes (used for filtering)
  • Gender (detailed definition)
  • Ethnicity (detailed definition)
  • TAMUS Institution / University
  • Level (Undergrad / Graduate / Doctoral)
  • Residence
    • Texas County ( if a resident of Texas )
    • State (if not a resident of Texas but US resident )
    • Country of Residence ( If international )
  • Major (Based on the federal CIP code)
  • At-Risk

Definitions – Financial Metrics

Operating Costs per FTSE

Source: THECB Sources and Uses Report and Accountability System

Definition: Operating costs excludes Auxiliary function and related Capital Outlay and Other Expenses that are in the Auxiliary fund group.  FTSE – The Sources and Uses report reflects an FTSE value based on state funded SCH’s for the entire Academic year ((Fall, Spring, Summer).  This includes undergraduate, masters, and doctoral SCH’s.

Average Tuition and Fees

Source: College Student Budget survey responses by institutions

Definition: Mandatory tuition, designated tuition and mandatory fees for resident undergraduate students at 30 SCH for a fall and spring semester.

Research Expenditures and Research Expenditures per FTFE

Source: THECB Accountability System.

Definition: THECB Research report for each institution. For Texas A&M University, the research expenditures includes research expenditures for research agencies.  Research Expenditures by member divided by their FTFE’s.

Total Endowment

Source: THECB accountability system

Definition:  Is the sum of quasi endowment and true and term endowment.  Quasi endowments are funds that an institution governing board elects to invest as if they were subject to endowment restriction sometimes called funds functioning as endowments.  True and term endowments are called permanent endowment which is a fund created by a donor or other external party with the stipulation as a condition of the gift instrument that the principal is to be maintained and invested in perpetuity to produce income, investment growth or both.  Endowment funds held by a foundation for the express use of the university should be included.

State Support per FTSE (Appropriations per FTSE on THECB Accountability Site)

Source:  THECB Sources and Uses report and the FTSE calculation on Sources and Uses

Definition:  State Support or Appropriations as listed on the THECB Accountability system includes State Appropriations, State Contracts and Grants, Research Development Funds, Texas Competitive Knowledge Fund, and excludes AUF funding.

Financial by Department and College

Source:  The Texas A&M University System Data Warehouse

Definition:  The financial amounts listed are expenditures defined and filtered from the data warehouse to correspond to the operating expenses reported on the THECB Sources and Uses report.  The amounts listed do not included manual adjustments that members may have made to their sources and uses reports.  OPEB (Other Post-employment Benefits) expenses are excluded to be consistent with the Sources and Uses report.  The amounts included are only for operating expenses and exclude Auxiliary and Depreciation functions.